Friday, April 25, 2008

Google Page Rank Algorithm

Since the introduction of the internet, many people have realized the advantage of using it as a tool for research and information gathering. And through the years, Google has become one of the most prominent search engines due to its simplicity of usage. Internet users find it very convenient to use Googles search capability to find new information about various topics.

Google uses a very sophisticated system that employs the use of algorithm, the PageRank algorithm. This is a search method that enables the web portal to effectively search for web pages based on a particular search request.

The early development of web pages used a system that is generally different from the concept of page ranking. Even today, this type of system is employed by some search engines. Search phrases are identified based on the occurrence on a particular web page. This occurrence or hit is then weighted based on the documents length, its presence in the underlying HTML tag or even by keyword density.

In further development, search engines devised a system which eventually makes searches more resistant to electronically and instantly generated web pages. This was based primarily on the search criteria with a more generic form of search documents. However, as this type of system did not promise to be a better approach in searching files, the link popularity was developed. Link popularity identifies the number of linked documents as the measure of its importance. Hence, a particular web page is deemed important for a search if more links are imbedded in it compared to other web pages.

This system may be more efficient than phrase searching but it does not eliminate the possibility of having dummy searches. Apparently, there are millions of websites that can be linked to each other based on a certain key path. Even though the web page is not significant for the search, it may still be prioritized based on the number of links.

How do Google Pagerank algorithms work and differ from other search methods?

Generally, when you do a search using Google, the portal searches for a document that is more important not based on inbound links. These documents are prioritized if other high ranking documents are linked to it. Thus the accumulation of higher order ranking is maintained within the search. High ranking documents are then filtered out to acquire a much higher ranking document until your search is completed.

Lawrence Page and Sergey Brin are the first to introduce the PageRank Algorithm in this formula: PR(A) = (1-d) + d (PR(T1)/C(T1) + ... + PR(Tn)/C(Tn)).

A page rank system does not rank websites in general item but is clustered for each page individually. Subsequent pages under a ranked page support the overall ranking of the whole document.

For example, if we are to use a model with three pages A, B, C; with this relationship, A is linked to B and C, B is linked to C and C is linked to A.

Since A is linked to both B and C, it (A) can be supported by both pages. If in any case B and C are highly ranked by previous searches, A will definitely benefit from it to succeed as a higher ranking page. Whereas, for both pages B and C, since they are linked to A independently, they may also be hit by a search but on the lower case of rank compared to A.

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